We carefully and consciously source items directly from brand boutiques, official multi-brand retailers, as well as our trusted and meticulously vetted network of global suppliers and dealers. Our collection is lovingly curated — every item has been carefully and personally hand-selected by our founder. Her substantial experience and ample product knowledge from years of industry experience enables us to identify pieces that are unparalleled in quality, constantly sought-after, and are in extremely short supply. We only procure never used, never carried, pristine goods in their original packaging. On occasion, we may include a highly collectible vintage piece, but it will be noted as such on the page.


All items come directly from brands or via established networks and trusted, private sources with whom relationships have been personally built over many years. All Hermès items are shipped with the original, redacted boutique receipt. External authentication is available upon request. Buying from AMAIA guarantees the purchase of an authentic product.


Limited-release, unique, and collectible luxury goods are priced according to the current market value, and include our minimal sourcing fee. Selling rare products always carries a premium above the store price, due to the nature of supply and demand. We conduct daily-updated market research to ensure that our prices remain competitive and we frequently adjust prices as market factors change.